However Christy has a blog as well, Adventures in Mommyhood and Atina has one as well Harmony and all that Jazz and then I got to thinking.... A lot of you have mommy blogs, another one I like is All American Momma , Confessions of a Young Earthy Mom. and Jersey girl in Louisiana
So... I was thinking, since Instinctual Mamas (can I call it IM for short?) is a page for all of us, why not make a blog for all of us... I can add all of your blogs here on a blog roll and if you have a button, I can place it on the blog itself AND I can link to your blogs every week by doing a summary as to what is going on.. All because I believe in Mommy blogs and I believe in Crunchiness..
The Catch? It has to me mommy related and you have to be somewhat crunchy, You don't have to do everything! You don't have to cloth diaper but if you breastfeed that's great, maybe you're not breastfeeding anymore but you believe in Gentle discipline.. etc etc..
It can be your WAHM business too.
It can be a "give aways" blog HOWEVER you have to have posts on it too! I don't like blogs that just do it for the giveaways they are cold and impersonal (no offense if anyone has one)
I think if we work together we can all promote each other but most important promote gentle parenting.
and with that I leave a challenge... In order to be added to the blog and get full support (heck I'll even tweet for you!)
You have to write a blog post about what being an Instinctual Mom means to you!
Christy and I have started..
How I became and Instinctual Mama by Christy at Adventures in Mommyhood (tearjerker!)
Instictive Parenting by yours truly over at Rockin Momma
We picked the name Instinctual Mamas because it pretty much covers everything, maybe you're hardcore crunchy maybe not, but the important part is that you mother out of instincts, you listen to what your baby needs.
You can do this whenever you feel like and the words flow, Just post the blog on the IM page and link this blog and the facebook page on your post.
Facebook url
Blogger URL
by the way the BlogHer convention is in my town this year so I will be attending! as Well as the Baby wearing convention !
Yaay for mommy bloggers!
Love this idea! I'll work on a post this week! :)
Great idea. :)
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU! my latest blog post is below :) you ladies ROCK
Word to your (Instinctual) mother!
This sounds like a wonderful opportunity to connect with other moms and share our experiences.