Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The American Mother's impact on the Economy (an underrated contender)

I have noticed in the blogging community,  those moms who tend to step outside "the norm" that research  birthing, breastfeeding, keeping boys intact, baby wearing, cloth diapering, gentle discipline, etc.. things that they get passionate about, that they tend to be more proactive with sharing the knowledge and inspiring changes wherever they can. They are mother activists!  Fighting to change the status quo of what society does not dare to question.

One thing we all have in common is that we are key factors in the decision making of our households, the way we raise our children, the rules that are set, the priorities and of course what the budget covers.

Even if you do not have 100% control of the household's finances and even if your finances like many of us are not what they used to be, one thing is for sure, We decide what we buy in order to run our home. What diapers, what food, what car-seats, what clothing, what goods and services.

I think we have in our hands the nation's economy and I think we are underrated. Who represents us in congress.. men and career women. Seldom do they know what we really need and what we really would like to see change.

I wrote a blog called "Dear Politicians: I have solved the budget crisis" In it I just threw some Ideas in the air about how some very important changes in policies regarding, birth, maternity leave, tax breaks.. might actually save money on a state and federal level.

Christy saw an news clip about How buying American creates American jobs, a simple concept that we have been discussing back and forth during our late night evening talks for a while now. She explains and challenges you to participate in Buy American for Americans.

And so we ask of you.. What would you do? What Ideas, propositions, stand do you take on this issue. You don't have to get overly political if that is not your style. Write about how you impact the economy not necessarily in the country but in your household, what money saving tips do you have.. how has the economy affected you.

Lets raise out Mom Activist fists and take a stand! I would love to read all of your submissions! Link your blog related to this subject below, the blog hop is open all the month of March .  Happy blogging!


  1. Love this call to action! I will make sure to write a mama activism post this month and link up!

  2. I wrote my post on being an "instinctual mama"..check it out!!

  3. I want to be a part of IM's community blog, but I don't know how to link my blog entry, titled, "doing what feels right".. Please help!? Thx

  4. I want to contribute... but I'm going to have to think about how to write what I'm thinking. Thank you!
